Cell phones at the wheel will now be even more expensive! As of May 1, you will have to pay a fine of 100 euros instead of 50 euros for using a cell phone in a vehicle without a hands-free device. Violations of the seat belt and helmet requirements will also be significantly increased.
Starting in May, traffic offenders in Austria will be asked to pay more: The organ mandate for using a cell phone at the wheel without a hands-free device will cost 100 instead of the previous 50 euros. “In the case of a report – especially fines initiated by photos of distance or speed measurements – fines of up to 140 euros are possible,” explained ÖAMTC chief lawyer Martin Hoffer on Tuesday.
A violation of the obligation to use a seat belt in the car and a crash helmet on motorcycles or mopeds costs as an organ mandate on the spot in the future 50 instead of 35 euros – a charge up to 100 euros.
- source: kurier.at/picture: Bild von Lorenzo Cafaro auf Pixabay
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